GIOC on Facebook to keep up with our latest news, including cancellations, discounts and last minute availability! |
Do you have a question about:
The Reservation Process? Next Summer?
How to Make A Reservation?
Weekend/Partial Week Rentals?
Payment Policy?
Security Deposits?
Occupancy Limits?
Street Layout or House Location?
On-Season/Off-Season Dates?
Check-In/Check-Out Times and Dates?
GIOC Private Beach?
Swimming Pool?
House Cleaning?
Washer/Dryers or Laundry?
Crib, Bike or Vacation Equipment Rentals?
Childcare / Babysitters?
Internet Access?
How to contact us?
Next Summer:
The Rental Brochure Package is mailed to previous guests the 3rd week in January, and is also available for download from the website at that time. We also EMAIL a Reservation Announcement in January with the reservation materials.
If you are not currently on our mailing list, please provide your EMAIL address and we will be happy to email you when we are aready to begin taking reservations later in January.
Due to the high number of responses we receive each January/February, reservations are accepted BY MAIL only until February 11th.  
3 Week+ Reservations Each December, we send an early reservation package to people interested in "long term" rentals (3 or more weeks), but we are happy to receive email or telephone requests at any time.It is very dificult to complete these request. we now have very limited inventory and alot of the homes have renters that return paticular week's to certian properties.
If you are interested in renting for 3 or more consecutive weeks in the same house, please call or email us to ensure first choice of available rentals.
1 - 2 Week Reservations
In mid-Janaury, the Reservation Application will available for download, and we will begin reservations for 1-2 week rentals BY MAIL ONLY.
Preference is given to 2 week rentals and to returning guests.
Please remember to indicate alternate house and date choices, so that
we can do our best to accommodate you. The more information we have about your needs and preferences, the easier it is for us to place your reservation.
In the event we cannot accommodate any of your choices, your deposit will be returned to you in full.
We work as quickly as possible to place Reservation requests as we receive them.
In January/February, availability can change hourly as reservations are placed, so it is impossible to confirm availability options before we receive your application and able to discuss specific options with you.
Due to the high cost of postage, we will be downscaling the January Rental Mailing over the next several years.
If you have rented through the Great Island Ocean Club Rental Office in the past, you will automatically be mailed a January brochure package.
Otherwise, please be sure that we have your EMAIL ADDRESS so that we can keep in touch with you in the future!
You can reach us by email at:
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Reservations: The Rental Brochure Package will be available for download in mid January.
is required to reserve a Unit. In the event we cannot accommodate any of your choices,
we will return your deposit in full. A written Reservation Confirmation will
be issued once deposit is received.
Due to the high cost of postage, we will be downscaling the January Rental Mailing over the next several years.
If you have rented through the Great Island Ocean Club Rental Office in the past, you will automatically be mailed a January brochure package.
Otherwise, please be sure that we have your EMAIL ADDRESS so that we can keep in touch with you in the future!
You can reach us by email at:
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Weekend/Partial Week Rentals: Some homeowners will make their homes available for weekend/partial weeks rentals during the Off-Season.
During the On-Season, partial week rentals are only considered if the week remains unrented, and the possibility of booking a full week rental is unlikely. (Generally as a result of a last minute cancellation.)
All partial week rentals must be pre-approved by the homeowner, and we generally request a 3 night minimum stay.
If you are thinking about coming to Great Island for a quick visit, please remember that rentals that include a Saturday night stay essentially 'tie up' two potential rental weeks, and
are much less attractive to homeowners than a rental that falls within our Saturday - Saturday rental week.
Please call to inquire about the availability of any house for a Spring of Fall weekend/partial week rental -- we'd be happy to put something together for you!
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Payment Policy: Personal checks are accepted
for all reservation deposits. If your house choices vary in price and you are unsure of the amount of deposit to send,
please just estimate your deposit amount and include it with your Reservation Application. Once your reservation is finalized, any deposit
shortfalls or overpayments can be corrected.
Final Payment, including rental balance and security deposit, must be received no later than 2 weeks prior to your arrival date, and may be paid by personal check at that time.
Final Payments received less than 2 weeks prior to arrival date must be paid by cash, traveler's checks, certified check or money order.
Canadian/Foreign Checks: Some Canadian banks allow their customers to write "USD" after the dollar amount on personal checks, converting the check to US funds. Please check with your bank regarding your individual account policies.
If your bank does not allow you to indicate US Dollars (USD) on your check, you might find it easier to send a money order/certified check in US funds. Any "foreign check fees" or other currency exchange fees assessed in cashing non-US Dollar checks will be charged to your account.
Sorry, we do not accept credit cards at this time.
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Security/Cleaning Deposit: A security/cleaning
deposit will be collected with the Final Payment for each unit.
Houses will be inspected for DAMAGE and/or EXCESSIVE CLEANING after check-out.
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Cancellation Policy:
In the event of a cancellation, for any reason, monies will be refunded,
minus a $100.00 processing fee per week, ONLY if the property is re-rented under the same terms and
conditions as the original rental. If we are unable to re-rent the property,
all rental monies will be forfeited to the Owner of the property.
Since all homes are individually-owned, deposits from a confirmed reservation cannot be used towards another house without 'cancelling' the original reservation. (i.e. you cannot 'switch' houses without cancelling your original reservation/see Cancellation Policy above.)
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Hurricane Policy:
No refunds will be given in the event of a hurricane or other natural occurrence. We highly recommend that you purchase travel insurance for your protection and peace of mind.
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Occupancy Limit:
Occupancy (including small children, infants and visitors) is not to exceed
the occupancy limit for the unit. If more than the maximum number is found
to be occupying the unit, the rental will be immediately be terminated without
refund and the security deposit forfeited.
Tenant shall not violate Chapter-108 OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS, BY-LAW TOWN OF YARMOUTH with regard to exceeding the occupancy limit as specified by the Yarmouth Board of Health for the property. Tenant further agrees to indemnify owner and rental agent (Great Island Ocean Club) with respect to any occupancy limit violation occurring during the term of tenancy by tenant of said property.
N.B.: Among other things, Chapter 108 specifies that each days' violation is a separate offense, and that 1st offense - $50.00, 2nd offense - $100.00, 3rd offense - $200.00. Applies to "Owner", "Agent" or "Tenant."
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Street Layout & House Locations:
Great Island Ocean Club consists of 4 streets: Powers Lane, Doherty Lane, Television Lane and Broadcast Lane, running parallel to the beach and some smaller cross streets. The swimming pool is located on Powers Lane, and the tennis courts/childrens playarea are located on Broadcast Lane.
Click here to download a printable map of Great Island Ocean Club (PDF format)
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Cars must be parked in driveways. No on-street parking is allowed, except for 15 minute drop-off at Rental office and beach gazebo.
Overflow parking is available at lot next to tennis courts on Broadcast Lane. Please do not park on lawns! Illegally parked cars may be towed at owners expense.
Click here to download a printable map of Great Island Ocean Club (PDF format)
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The 2025 On-Season dates.
On-Season rates will apply from Saturday, June 21 - Saturday, August 30, 2025.
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Check-In/Check-Out Times and Dates:
The rental week is from Saturday to Saturday.
Check-In time is between 3:30 p.m.and 5:00 p.m. We need the time to properly prepare the units for your stay. Cleaners may need up until 4pm to finnish up some properties due to extra cleaning protocols for the 2025 season.
Please plan your arrival time accordingly.
Check-Out time is prior to 10:00 a.m., and is strictly enforced.
Failure to vacate the unit at that time could result in a security deposit deduction.
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Great Island Ocean Club Beach:
The Great Island Ocean Club beach is the highlight of our community. It is 1/4 mile, white sand beach with gentle, rolling waves, and is only accessible to families staying at the Great Island Ocean Club. |
As you can see from the photo at left, just west of Great Island Ocean Club, the land curves out into Nantucket Sound forming a natural, large 'cove' and creating a protected beach which is great for swimming. The 'arm' collects sand in the area, so there is a gentle drop off and sandy bottom swimming.
The GIOC beach is unguarded.
The Great Island Ocean Club beach can be entered via four access points: two gazebo walkways at either end of the beach (at the end of Radio Lane and Island Road, respectively), a boardwalk between 35 Powers and 41 Powers Lane, and a sand path opposite the swimming pool/between 19 and 25 Powers Lane (end of Taylor Lane).
The Yarmouth Fire Department prohibits fires or fireworks on the beach ~ your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Click here to download a printable map of Great Island Ocean Club (PDF format)
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Swimming Pool:
The pool is a freshwater, unheated swimming pool..
Pool hours are 9 Am - 6 Pm The pool is located on Powers Lane, and is approximately 30' x 60', with depths ranging from 3' - 8' deep (shallow end to deep end).
Small pool toys, such as 'noodles' and kick boards, are allowed. Large toys which could block the lifeguard's visibility are prohibited. We cannot gaurentee pool access with our rental properties. Floating "baby seats" are allowed.
The pool is not open during the Off-Season.
All homes, unless specifically indicated "No Pool Access", have access to the GIOC swimming pool. Pool Keys will be given to you at Check-In.
There is a lifeguard on duty at the pool, but the beach is unguarded.
Click here to download a printable map of Great Island Ocean Club (PDF format)
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House Cleaning:
Please see Linen Charge below. The unit will be cleaned and supplied with bath towels and bed linens, if requested, prior to your arrival.
Please remember to bring your own beach towels, beach chairs and tennis rackets! The unit will be cleaned and inspected for
damage after Check-Out. Excessive cleaning, as determined by Great Island Ocean Club housekeeping staff, will result in a security
deposit deduction.
On-Season Linen Changes: Fresh towels/linens if requested, will be dropped off on Saturday's without house keeping services for guests staying longer than one week. See Linen Charge.
Off-Season Linen Changes: Fresh towels/linens, if requested, without housekeeping service will be provided to guests staying for longer than one week. No housekeeping service is provided during the Off-Season. See Linen Charge below.
Kitchens are equipped with basic cooking equipment, eating utensils,
microwaves, coffee makers and toasters. Consumable items, such as dishwashing liquid,
aluminum foil, propane gas, etc. are provided at the discretion of the homeowner.
GIOC provides a "starter set" of paper towels, toilet paper and soap while
preparing the unit. No replenishment of paper products is provided.
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Linen Charge:
Due to increasing costs, a small weekly fee with be charged to supply houses with bed linens/bath towels. Please indicate whether linens are desired on the front of the Reservation Application.
- One Bedroom Unts/$35 per week: Linens for all beds/sofabeds, plus 8 bath, 2 hand & 2 dish towels
- Two Bedroom Unts/$50 per week: Linens for all beds/sofabeds, plus 10 bath, 4 hand & 2 dish towels
- Three Bedroom Unts/$65 per week: Linens for all beds/sofabeds, plus 13 bath, 6 hand & 2 dish towels
- Four Bedroom Unts/$80 per week: Linens for all beds/sofabeds, plus 15 bath, 8 hand & 2 dish towels
- Five Bedroom Unts/$100 per week: Linens for all beds/sofabeds, plus 18 bath, 8 hand & 2 dish towels
Washer/Dryers and Laundry:
Washer/Dryers, if available, are listed in the description of each home. If the house description does not include washer/dryer, then the house does not
have that amenity.
Great Island Ocean Club does not have any laundry facilities on-site, but The Laundry Center (503-394-4434) is located nearby and offers drop off/pick up
laundry services at reasonable rates.
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Cribs, Bikes, Children's Equipment and other Vacation Necessities:
We recommend Auntie Vi's Children's Rental Center of South Yarmouth for all of your baby and child equipment needs.
Auntie Vi’s rents FULL SIZED solid maple and birch portable cribs (including mattresses), highchairs, strollers, umbrellas, beach chairs, wagons and more!
Delivery, assembly and pick-up of all rental items is available.
Please contact Auntie Vi's at (877) 263-8899, or visit the website at
Another very good source for cribs, beach items, plus bikes and kayaks is Iggy Biggy Rentals of South Yarmouth, MA (508-394-7300).
A list of list of local bicycle rental shops can be found here.
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Childcare / Babysitting Services:
Many guests have requested information about local companies providing childcare services. Below are links to companies providing babysitting services on Cape Cod:
Sitter City |
Care for Kids | |
Internet: Most individual homes offer WiFi Internet, as noted in the description of each house.
In addition, there are computers available at the local libraries,
or you can access the web through various wireless hotspots.
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All of our properties are privately owned and reflect the tastes of each owner.
The property description is intended to provide you with an accurate description of
the property and furnishings. Great Island Ocean Club does not warranty against
any errors or omissions. In addition, if you do not personally inspect the premises
prior to making a reservation, you agree to accept the rental property as is upon
arrival, and that you will not be entitled to any refund of rental monies or have any
claim or recourse against the Rental Agent. Great Island Ocean Club highly recommends
previewing any property prior to making a reservation.
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We would be happy to provide you with local kennel information if necessary.
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However, the one exception is 40 Doherty Lane. It can accommadate and small boat that can fit in the driveway.
We recommend the following website for information about local marinas:
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How to Contact Us:
Please email us at:
Great Island Ocean Club
P.O. Box 727
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
(508) 775-0985